Studies on the Bacteriological Quality of Frozen Meat Pies

Consumer acceptance of manufactured frozen "heat and serve" foods has produced a fast growing industry. Mass processing of these foods brings about various problems of a microbiological nature on the production, distribution, and retail level. Many segments of the industry have developed adequate quality control measures for flavor, physical appearance, stability, and wholesomeness. Slocum (1956) has stated that a sanitary or wholesome food is one free from injurious substances including infectious microorganisms. He adds that the modern concept of food quality control has expanded this definition to include freedom from materials that are repulsive or obnoxious regardless of their importance as agents of disease. Therefore, for effective sanitary control for the wholesomeness of convenience frozen foods, some processors have found it necessary to employ routine bacteriological measures. Fitzgerald (1947a) pointed out the importance of careful plant sanitation during processing on the bacteriological quality of frozen foods and that frozen fruits and vegetables served in raw salads might be a possible source of "infection." Although no major outbreak of food poisoning has been attributed to commercially frozen meat pies, the fact remains that these products might easily be contaminated during processing and could provide an excellent medium for bacteriological growth. Despite the fact that baking of frozen meat pies will destroy a majority of the microbiological flora present, a bacteria free product is usually not achieved, and heat stable toxins elaborated by staphylococci are not eliminated but only slightly reduced in potency. Microbiological standards for precooked frozen foods are presently being advocated by food sanitarians, public health officials, and food processors. As early as 1947, Fitzgerald (1947b) recognized the need for microbiological standards for frozen foods, and recommended an upper limit of 100,000 bacteria per g. Rayman et al. (1955) of the Quartermaster Food and Container Institute discussed this problem at a symposium. They suggested a standard of 100,000 viable bacteria per g. This recommendation was shared by Weiser (1957) in his article. Huber et al. (1958) reported on additional