Ethical issues in the use of video: is it time to establish guidelines?
Vi&o is a powerful medium: it can make a point or convince people in ways that other media cannot. Somehow, video seems “real”. Yet, perhaps it is too powerful. Just as statements taken out of context can be very damaging, so can video clips misconstrue events or violate the privacy of the subjects involved. As researchers and designers increasingly use video to obtaict information about how people interact with technology, it becomes important to examine the ethical issues involved in the creation and presentation of video. Should there be constraints on recordirtg information? How do we obtain “informed consent”? Under what conditions should video be presente4 and to which audiences? This session provides a forum for discussion: the goal is to identify ethical issues in the use of video, learn horn invited guests about existing practice in other fields and learn horn audience members about the issues that have arisen in their own work. After the discussion, the members of the audience will attempt to determine whether or not the human-computer interaction community needs to develop its own set of guidelines for the ethical use of video.