Hydrogen Infrastructure Transition Model and Its Application in Optimizing 50-Year H2 Infrastructure for Urban Beijing

This paper describes the on-going Hydrogen Infrastructure Transition (HIT) modeling efforts with the Beijing case study. HIT uses dynamic programming to generate optimal temporal and spatial decisions on when, where, at what sizes and by what technologies to build up a hydrogen infrastructure over time for a given region with a minimum discounted value of costs, environmental savings and travel time disbenefits. In the Beijing case study, we use the 380 kilometer (km) Beijing urban expressway network for spatial representation and 2010~2060 as the study period. We relied on Beijing Master Plan, demographic projection and traffic data in estimating spatial distribution and temporal growth of hydrogen demand. We find that the average travel time per refueling trip is 2 minutes with 50 optimally located stations, and 1 minute with about 100 stations. Due to spatial traffic variation, nodes with multiple stations coexist with nodes without any station in the optimal configuration. The pipeline length is minimized using spanning tree algorithm, which generates a minimum total length of about 350km including the estimated 200km pipeline from the coal plant. Gaseous pipeline hydrogen-based fueling station, natural gas steam reforming onsite station, water electrolysis onsite station, water electrolysis central plant and coal gasification central plant (with and without carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration) are identified as the 6 potential facilities. The model incorporates station module expansion, switch from onsite station to refueling-only station, upgrade with CO2 sequestration capability for central plant, technology improvement, and availability of by-product hydrogen from regional chemical industry.