The increasing availability of software tools for i mageand range-based surveying and visualizing 3D objects has posed some issues relative to the need of integrating different conte nts (relative to data and metadata, structure and f u ction) in a common Information System. In this work, we develop an integrated solu tion for a 3D GIS whose support is a global 3D mode l generated from the fusion of image and range information for interventions in Cultural Heritage buildings. The 3D GIS integrates different software tools for Information Processing, Management and Visualizatio n, including a) the fusion of image and range infor mation (UvaCad, e.g.), b) relational DB for data and metadata management, and c) navigation, inspection and reports generation fr om the information contained in different layers. The interoperability between software tools is a bottleneck for transfe rring and re-using digital information. Two key facts for solving interoperabi lity issues are a) the development of a 3D vector s upport (extending the usual methodology of planar GIS) for referring informatio n contained in different layers to a common framewo rk; and b) the development of logical schemes for a hierarchised management of inf rmation following signification levels of incr easing complexity involving geometric, structural and functional aspects issues appearing in semantic approaches. The geometry of objects provide a support for specifying logic schemata connecting the above leve ls. It allows a reuse of solutions, and makes easi er the accessibility from the initial specification of contents (data and metadat ) for on-line cooperative work and for remote asse sment by experts, or for consultation by customers or simply citizens. The d eveloped solution is being applied for conservation and restoration interventions in some monuments of the autonomous comunity of Cast illa y Leon, Spain. .