The influence of nuclear generation on CO2 emissions and on the cost of the Spanish system in long-term generation planning

Abstract This paper presents the influence of a nuclear generation option on CO 2 emissions and on the cost of the Spanish long-term generation system by means of the development of a stochastic linear model, based on the software GAMS, where multiple aspects have been contemplated: the uncertainty regards fossil fuel and CO 2 emission allowance prices by analysing different scenarios, the stability and supply security of the system by considering different restrictions, the maximum grade of penetration of the different technologies by means of commissioning plans, etc. Only two of the conclusions drawn are focused on here. First, it is possible to get a clean system without nuclear power generation but the cost would be higher than in the case where the existing nuclear power plants continue to operate. Second, the development of clean coal technologies could be affected negatively by the development of nuclear generation.