EUROPRACTICE approach to MEMs design tools

EUROPRACTICE is an EC initiative aimed at stimulating the exploitation of state-of-the-art microelectronics based technologies by European industry. Its ultimate goal is to enhance European industrial competitiveness in the global market place. EUROPRACTICE is aimed primarily at SMEs but large companies, universities and research institutes are also encouraged to take advantage of the services it makes available. The Service offers users cost-effective and flexible means of accessing three microelectronics-based technologies: Integrated Circuits (ICs), Multi-Chip Modules (MCMs) and Microsystems (MEMs) and is co-ordinated by a Central Office. Technology specific training is provided by the individual services and more general training is provided by the Training and Best Practice Service. The Microsystems Service is provided by six competence centres (CCs), consisting of universities and institutes, that offer application and technology specific advice, feasibility and design assistance, plus five manufacturing clusters (MCs), consisting of established industrial manufacturers, that offer product development and manufacturing services. These Microsystems services and the IC and MCM services are open to all customers worldwide. (3 pages)