Simulation and correction of Triana-viewed Earth radiation budget with ERBE/ISCCP data

This paper describes the simulation of the Earth radiation budget (ERB) as viewed by Triana and the development of correction models for converting Triana-viewed radiances into a complete ERB. A full range of Triana views and global radiation fields are simulated using a combination of datasets from ERBE (Earth Radiation Budget Experiment) and ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) and analyzed with a set of empirical correction factors specific to the Triana views. The results show that the accuracy of global correction factors to estimate ERB from Triana radiances is a function of the Triana position relative to the Lagrange-1 (L1) or the Sun location. Spectral analysis of the global correction factor indicates that both shortwave (SW; 0.2-5.0 /spl mu/m) and longwave (LW; 5-50 /spl mu/m) parameters undergo seasonal and diurnal cycles that dominate the periodic fluctuations. The diurnal cycle, especially its amplitude, is also strongly dependent on the seasonal cycle. Based on these results, models are developed to correct the radiances for unviewed areas and anisotropic emission and reflection. A preliminary assessment indicates that these correction models can be applied to Triana radiances to produce the most accurate global ERB to date.