Proof of dynamical scaling in Smoluchowski's coagulation equation with constant kernel

AbstractSmoluchowski's coagulation equation for irreversible aggregation with constant kernel is considered in its discrete version wherect=c1(t) is the concentration ofl-particle clusters at timet. We prove that for initial data satisfyingc1(0)>0 and the condition 0 ⩽cl(0) 0), the solutions behave asymptotically likec1(t)∼t−2≈c(lt−1) ast→∞ withlt−1 kept fixed. The scaling function ≈c(ξ) is (1/gr)ξ, where $$\rho = \sum _l lc_l (0)$$ , a conserved quantity, is the initial number of particles per unit volume. An analous result is obtained for the continuous version of Smoluchowski's coagulation equation $$\frac{\partial }{{\partial t}}c(v,{\text{ }}t) = \int_0^v {du{\text{ }}c(v - u,{\text{ }}t){\text{ }}c(u,{\text{ }}t) - 2c(v,{\text{ }}t)} \int_0^\infty {du{\text{ }}c(u,{\text{ }}t)}$$ wherec(v, t) is the oncentration of clusters of sizev.

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