One-to-All Broadcasting in Petersen-Torus Networks for SLA and MLA Models

In a network, broadcasting is the dissemination of a message from a source node holding a message to all the remaining nodes through a call. This letter proposes a one-to-all broadcasting algorithm in the Petersen- torus network PT(n, n) for the single-link-available and multiple-link-available models. A PT(n, n) is a regular network whose degree is 4 and number of nodes is 10n 2 , where the Petersen graph is set as a basic module, and the basic module is connected in the form of a torus. A broadcasting algorithm is developed using a divide-and-conquer technique, and the time complexity of the proposed algorithm approximates n+4, the diameter of PT(n, n), which is the lower bound of the time complexity of broadcasting.

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