Effect of Roof Surface Type on Storm-Water Runoff from Full-Scale Roofs in a Temperate Climate

Roof surfaces represent a significant portion of the impervious area associated with urban development. Storm-water runoff from those surfaces causes stream degradation in receiving waters attributable to excess volume of water runoff. This paper investigates the influence of roof surface type on storm-water runoff and specifically considers the benefits of a vegetated roof, or green roof, as a storm-water best management practice (BMP). Runoff data were collected over a 6-month period from three full-scale roofs, which were retrofitted with flow meters and automated water-quality samplers. The roof surfaces included an asphalt roof (for control purposes), a vegetated extensive green roof, and a stone ballasted roof. Both the green roof and stone roof were effective at reducing runoff volume and attenuating peak discharge, with the green roof being more efficient for rainfall events less than 2.54 cm. Overall, the green roof retained 68.25% of rainfall volume and reduced peak discharge by an average of 88...