Advanced Therapy of Breast Disease
Breast screening efficacy of, and breast self-examination genetics counseling of the high risk patient prevention of breast cancer nipple discharge gynecomastia control of breast pain imaging of the breast in pregnancy and lactation diagnosis of palpable breast masses image-guided needle localization and biopsy of nonpalpable breast lesions sterotactic breast biopsy ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle biopsy of nonpalpable breast masses staging of breast cancer ductal carcinoma in situ lobular carcinoma in situ surgical therapy of invasive breast cancer sentinel lymph node dissection breast cancer during pregnancy breast cancer in the elderly patient Paget's disease occult primary cancer with axillary nodel metastases skin-sparing mastectomy and immediate reconstruction choice of breast reconstruction - autogenous tissue or implants silicone autoimmune disease - a systemic approach to patient management management of the contralateral breast in the patient with breast cancer repair of partial mastectomy defects with local flaps adjuvant therapy for breast cancer treatment of locally advanced and inflammatory breast cancer treatment of metastatic breast cancer high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation for breast cancer breast cancer-related lymphedema management of menopausal symptoms in women with a history of breast cancer psychosocial problems related to breast cancer diagnosis and treatment follow-up care of the breast cancer patient.