It is possible to make wind profiles from space using current technology. These wind profiles are essential for investigating many of the interdisciplinary scientific questions of the Earth Observing System (Eos). A spaceborne wind sounder, the Laser Atmospheric Wind Sounder (LAWS) has been chosen as a facility instrument on the Eos. This paper discusses the efforts currently underway to prepare for the deployment of the LAWS instrument on an Eos polar orbiter and on the Manned Space Station. The measurement technique heritage, which includes ground-based and airborne measurements in the atmosphere, is discussed, along with the scientific and technical issues that are being addressed. Whether obtained globally from the Eos polar platform or in the w tropics from an Space Station,wind profiles from space will provide essential information for advancing the skill of numerical weather prediction, furthering our knowledge of the large-scale atmospheric circulation and climate dynamics, and improving our understanding of the global biogeochemical and hydrologic cycles. These scientific issues are also briefly discussed.