Myelin Biology and Disorders

Section I: Diseases of Myelin Leukodystrophies: Overview and Classification Multiple Sclerosis: Classification and Overview Genetic Susceptibility and Epidemiology Cellular Damage and Repair in MS MRI Visualization of MS Multiple Sclerosis (General Clinical and Trials) Adrenoleukodystrophies Krabbe's Disease Alexander's Disease Pelizeaus-Merzbacher Disease Guillain Barre Syndrome Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Infectious Demyelinating Diseases Ischemic White Matter Damage Protein Misfolding as a Disease Determinant Section II: Animals Models of Human Disease Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis Experimental Models of Virus Induced Demyelination Model's of Krabbe's Disease Model's of Alexander's Disease Model's of Pelizeaus Merzbacher Disease Models of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Section III: The Myelin Genes and Products Myelin Basic Protein Gene Proteolipid Protein Gene Myelin Associated Glycoprotein Gene Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Gene Cyclic Nucleotide Phosophohydrolase Gene P0 Protein Gene PMP 22 Gene The Claudin 11 Gene The Neurexin Gene The Connexin 32 Gene The Integrin Genes The Periaxin Gene The QK1 Gene Section IV: Glial Cell Development Invertebrate Glia Neural Cell Specification During Development Progenitor Cells of the Adult Human White Matter Oligodendrocyte Lineage Astrocyte Lineage Schwann Cell Development Olfactory Ensheathing Cells Section V: Glial Cell and Myelin Functional Biology Structure of the Myelinated Axon Cell Biology of Myelin Assembly The Transport and Assembly of Myelin Lipids Functional Organization of the Nodes of Ranvier Electrophysiologic Consequences of Myelination Remyelination Through Engraftment Remyelination by Endogenous Glia