The neural basis of navigation : evidence from single cell recording

Preface. 1. Sensory Determinants of Hippocampal Place Cell Firing Fields R.U. Muller, B. Poucet, B. Rivard. 2. Different Hippocampal Place Cell Maps for Different Environments S. Doboli, A.A. Minai, P.J. Best. 3. The Path-Integration Properties of Hippocampal Place Cells J.J. Knierim. 4. Hippocampal Place Cell Activity During Overtly Purposeful Behavior (in dissociated reference frames) A.A. Fenton, J. Bures, J.M. Cimadevilla, A.V. Olypher, M. Wesierska, L. Zinyuk. 5. Non-Spatial Correlates of Hippocampal Activity P.A. Dudchenko, E.R. Wood, H. Eichenbaum. 6. Entorhinal Place Cells: Trajectory Encoding L.M. Frank, E.N. Brown, M.A. Wilson. 7. Subicular Place Cells Show Similar Firing Fields Across Different Environments: Comparison with Hippocampal Place Cells P.E. Sharp. 8. Sensory Determinants of Head Direction Cell Activity J.S. Taube. 9. Functional Organization of the Rat Head-Direction Circuit H.T. Blair, P.E. Sharp. 10. Hippocampal Spatial Representations and Navigation in Primates E.T. Rolls. 11. The Bevavioral Implementation of Hippocampal Processing S.J.Y. Mizumori, W.E. Pratt, B.G. Cooper, A. Guazzelli. 12. The Rodent Navigation Circuit D.S. Touretzky. 13. The Hippocampus, Wayfinding and Episodic Memory L. Nadel, J.D. Payne. Index.