Characterization of strain-induced damage in composites based on the dissipated energy density part II. Composite specimens and naval structures

Abstract Completed in Part I of this work are the description of the basic scheme and formulation by characterizing the damage behavior of composites by application of the dissipated energy density. Part II presents the development of a structural response simulator tool for composite structures subjected to different combinations of boundary displacements and loads. A presentation of distributions of dissipated energy density for the different load combinations on the specimens used in the In-Plane Loader (IPL) procedure described in Part I follows. Simulated response for several structures of interest to the Navy is also presented. They include a ship's mast and a cylindrical shell representing an idealized section of a submarine hull. Displayed are spatial maps of the dissipated energy density (softening maps) for various loading amplitudes. These softening maps reflect how energy is consumed by the different failure events within the structure.