Analysis of energy saving potentials in energy generation: Final results

The introduction of best available technologies in the current fleet of fossil-fuel power generation could generate primary energy savings of 14-18% by 2030, compared to primary energy consumption in 2010. A gradual replacement of power plants at the end of their lifetime, by the best available technology could lead to around 750 Mtoe of total primary energy savings over the period 2011-2030. Total CO2 emissions over the period would be reduced by 2.7 Gt. The largest potential is in Member States with large coal-fired power plant fleets. These potentials are slightly higher than the PRIMES Reference scenario. In addition, around half of the potential in the PRIMES Reference scenario is due to a shift away from fossil fuels, rather than efficiency improvements. The potential is also much higher than the PRIMES Efficiency scenario. In the latter scenario, the shift away from fossil fuels is much less pronounced than in the PRIMES Reference scenario. The results are strongly dependent on the assumptions made, hence care should be taken when interpreting them.