IPPA, a user-centred approach to assess effectiveness of assistive technology provision

IPPA (Individually Prioritised Problem Assessment) is a new instrument to assess the effectiveness of assistive technology provision. It assesses the impact that problems have on daily life as perceived by the end-user. In an international trial, 248 clients of service delivery centres were interviewed using the instrument, of whom 188 also participated in a follow-up interview. Respondents had problems in mobility, hearing, speech-related communication or self-care. In addition to IPPA, SIP68 and EuroQol were administered for validation purposes. The instrument fits well into the process of service delivery (and even facilitates the actual assessment). The direction of changes measured by IPPA is consistent with the direction of changes measured by SIP68 and EuroQol, supporting construct validity. Changes measured by IPPA are considerably larger, supporting our view that solving problems is a key outcome in provision of assistive devices. Results support the ideas behind the instrument and are promising enough to continue.