I An earlier version of this article was submitted as a school paper to the American School of Classical Studies at Athens in 1989. Later versions were presented orally in 1990 at the American Academy in Rome, the Canadian Academic Centre in Rome, and the annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in San Francisco. I am grateful to the Fulbright Foundation and the Graduate Division of the University of California, Berkeley, whose support allowed me to undertake preliminary research for this paper in Athens; to the Luther Replogle Foundation whose generosity allowed me to continue my work as Oscar T. Broneer Fellow in Classical Archaeology at the American Academy in Rome; to John Camp who introduced me to the problems of the Rhamnous base; and to Christina Traitoraki for her kind assistance in the early stages of the preparation of this paper. I have profited greatly from the insights, suggestions, and criticisms of M. Bell, J. Boardman, D. Clay, A. S. Delivorrias, C. M. Edwards, E. S. Gruen, E. Harrison, D. C. Kurtz, M. Marvin, M. M. Miles, J. Neils, M. C. J. Putnam, B. S. Ridgway, A. F. Stewart, B. A. Stewart, and J. M. Tillotson, all of whom I thank warmly for their help and encouragement. They do not, of course, necessarily agree with the views presented here, nor should they be held responsible for any of my errors. Permission to reproduce photographs and plans has been kindly provided by B. Petrakos, H. Kyrieleis, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm. Works frequently cited are abbreviated as follows: Delivorrias = A. Delivorrias, <<A u0to-,uutES' Kat 7rapavayvc%-eLs-?, Hopos, 2, 1984, pp. 83-102 Kallipolitis = V. G. Kallipolitis, <<H Ba'aoi ToV ayaApyaTos, Ts Pap.ovclasNLEo-,qs%, 'ApX'E4 1978 (1980), pp. 1-90 Kjellberg = E. Kjellberg, Studien zu den attischen Reliefs, Uppsala 1926 Petrakos 1981 = B. Petracos, 'La base de la Nemesis d'Agoracrite (rapport preliminaire)," BCH 105, 1981, pp. 227-253 Petrakos 1986 = V. Petrakos, <FIIpo,8),uara Tqs Ba/a-s ToV ayacXuaTosTqs Nqe4o-ecos%, in Archaische und klassische griechische Plastik (Akten des internationalen Kolloquiums von 22.-25. April 1985 in Athen), II, Klassische griechische Plastik, H. Kyrieleis, ed., Mainz am Rhein 1986,pp.89-107 Picard = C. Picard, Manuel d'arche'ologie grecque. La Sculpture, Paris 1935-1966 Robertson = M. Robertson, A History of Greek Art, Cambridge 1975 Numbers in the text in bold face refer to figures carved on the base as numbered in Petrakos 1986. Nemesis and her cult: RE XVI, ii, 1935, s.v. Nemesis [H. Herter], cols. 2338-2380, esp. cols. 23462352; more recently, F. W. Hamdorf, Griechische Kultpersonificationen der vorhellenistischen Zeit, Mainz 1964, pp. 35-36, 96-97 and H. A. Shapiro, Personifications and Abstract Concepts in Greek Art and Literature to the End of the Fifth Century B.C., diss. Princeton University 1976, pp. 83-86, 152-155. Sanctuary at Rhamnous: J. Travlos, Bildlexicon zur Topographie des antiken Attika, Tiibingen 1988, pp. 388-390; M. M. Miles, 'A Reconstruction of the Temple of Nemesis at Rhamnous," Hesperia 58, 1989, pp. 131-249; and B. Petrakos, <<O avaO-Ka4' ToV Pa,.wovr osv 1813-1987?, 'Apx'E4 1987 (1989), pp. 265-298. Ancient literary sources which associate Nemesis with Marathon include Pausanias 1.33.2-3; Aelius Aristides 12 (p. 203 Dindorf); and Anth. Pal. 16.221, 222, 263.