Kerr spatial solitons in chalcogenide waveguides

The search for nonlinear optical material exhibiting stronger nonlinearities, sensitivity at specific wavelengths or easier to process is still relevant. In particular Kerr nonlinear effect associated with ultra short temporal response (subpicosecond) is a key feature for fast all-optical reconfigurable systems. Among promising materials, chalcogenide glasses benefit from strong optical nonlinearities in the infrared spectrum notably at telecom wavelengths [1]. In this work, Ge-Sb-S based planar chalcogenide waveguides are realized to realize Kerr self-focusing experiments for near infrared beams. Kerr spatial soliton propagation is demonstrated for the first time in chalcogenide waveguides, to our knowledge. Some limitations due to film photosensitivity at transparent wavelengths are reported.