Teaching of Ordinary Differential Equations Using the Assumptions of the PBL Method

Mathematics is of fundamental importance to any natural sciences program (be-cause it provides analytical and approximate results that can be simulated and modeled) and perhaps to other areas of human knowledge. Ordinary differential equations are especially of fundamental importance to engineering programs be-cause the modeling of all phenomena of interest for these programs involves Or-dinary differential equations solutions; at the same time, students experience diffi-culties when learning Ordinary differential equations and about their applications to real physical scenarios. In this study, the problem-based learning method was used to study a group of mechanical engineering students at the SENAI CIMATEC University Center. The study analyzes the effectiveness of Ordinary differential equations instruction given through this program using the specified methodology. To consolidate the study, Conceptual Field Theory is used together with an evaluation of the results to observe student behaviors and attitudes in re-lation to actions arising from the method. At the end of the study, a questionnaire was completed by the students, with which they evaluated the effectiveness of the teaching methodology employed.