Reminiscence, Motivation, and Personality: A Case Study in Experimental Psychology

I The Origin of the Grand Design.- 1 Kraepelin and the Age of Innocence.- Definition of Reminiscence.- The Specificity of Reminiscence.- Muscular Fatigue and Reminiscence.- Kraepelin's Studies of Reminiscence.- An Early Consolidation Theory.- 2 The Pursuit Rotor: An Apparatus for All Occasions.- 3 The Beginning of Investigations on a Grand Scale.- 4 The All-Purpose Apparatus Meets the All-Purpose Theory.- II The Failure of the Grand Design.- 5 Reminiscence and Motivation.- 6 Post-Rest Upswing and Downswing.- Early Studies of Warm-up.- Warm-up in Verbal Learning.- Warm-up in Motor Skills.- Is Upswing an Artifact of Measurement?.- Measures of Performance Alternative to Time-on-Target.- The Underlying Components of Rotary-Pursuit Tracking.- Conclusions.- 7 Transfer of Training and Interpolated Activity.- Bilateral Reminiscence.- Practice and Interpolated Activity at Different Rotation Speeds.- Practice and Interpolation of Motor Tasks Other than the Standard Pursuit Rotor.- Changes in the Distribution of Practice.- Conclusions.- 8 Individual Differences in Ability as Determinants of Performance and Reminiscence.- 9 Individual Differences: Extraversion.- 10 Individual Differences: Schizophrenia.- III The New Look in Reminiscence.- 11 Consolidation: The Failure of Inhibition Theory.- The Need for a New Approach.- The Consolidation Theory of Memory.- How Does Consolidation Improve Performance?.- The Evidence for Action Decrement.- Evidence for Consolidation in Pursuit-Rotor Learning.- Consolidation in the Explanation of Reminiscence and Other Phenomena of Pursuit-Rotor Learning.- A One-Factor Theory of Reminiscence.- 12 Strategies in Performance: What Is This Thing Called Learning?.- Problems in the Measurement of Pursuit-Rotor Performance.- Hits and Average Hit Lengths.- Rest Pauses and Responses.- The Search for the Rest Pause.- What Happens in between Responses?.- What Is Learned in a Pursuit-Tracking Task?.- A Summary of This New Model of Pursuit Tracking and Its Implications.- Strategies of Performance.- Some Physiological Speculations.- 13 The Rise and Fall of Reminiscence: An Explanation Is Proposed and Some Morals Are Drawn.- Reminiscence in Tapping.- Reminiscence in Verbal Learning.- Reminiscence in Pursuit-Rotor Learning.- Epilogue Fifty Years of Pursuit-Rotor Studies.- References and Bibliography.- Reference Index.