TErrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) offers capabilities
equivalent to the second generation of mobile phones with
voice and limited data capabilities. TETRA needs to evolve
to satisfy increasing user demand for new services and
facilities as well as gleaning the benefits of new technology.
An initial enhancement (TETRA Enhanced Data Service,
TEDS) has been agreed. The enhanced TETRA services
allows for more flexibility in the communication modes
used, so as to provide adaptability in applications. We
propose that it is possible to deploy Software Defined Radio
(SDR) technologies into the basestation to economically
provide this level of flexibility and to further extend the
capability of TETRA services by deploying a WiMAX
channel into the proposed TETRA tuning range. Thus
delivering true broadband data service while
simultaneously supporting the original and enhanced
TETRA services.
Ronan Farrell,et al.
Low cost experimental software defined radio system
Philip Whitehead.
The other communications revolution [TETRA standard]
V. Lottici,et al.
TEDS: A high speed digital mobile communication air interface for professional users
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine.
Luis Abraham Sánchez-Gaspariano,et al.
IEEE 802.16e Design Issues and Transceiver Architecture Selection for Mobile WiMAX Systems
18th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (conielecomp 2008).