One of the most important alternatives to assure the autonomy and independence of the aged one, as also healthful aging is the educative actions. Is fundamental that the Nursing is not only focalizing in the assistance to the aged carrier of illnesses, but also acts in the promotion, maintenance and recovery of this human being health. This study it objectified to know the necessities of education in health of the aged ones that they frequent the third age groups. One is about a study in the human being-social area of the exploratory, descriptive and analytical type with quantitative boarding. The data had been collected through activities and group techniques, questionnaires and participant comment. The content analysis was used for the data . They had participated of the group dynamic, 26 citizens being that the sampling was gotten randomly. The worked subjects had been: Diabetes, Arterial Hypertension, Osteoporosis, Arthritis and Arthrosis and Balanced Feeding. The Third age Groups were very welcoming and had been opened for new knowledge. The personal enrichment of some participants for knowledge was observed as it functions and which changes happen in their bodies in this stage of e life. To act in these groups the Nursing must believe, like and construct educative actions aiming at supply gaps that interfere with the self care.