ATLAS event display: Virtual Point-1 visualization software

Submitted for the APR17 Meeting of The American Physical Society ATLAS event display: Virtual Point-1 visualization software KAELYN SEELEY, DAVID DIMOND, R.M. BIANCHI, JOSEPH BOUDREAU, TAE MIN HONG, Univ of Pittsburgh, ATLAS COLLABORATION — Virtual Point-1 (VP1) is an event display visualization software for the ATLAS Experiment. VP1 is a software framework that makes use of ATHENA, the ATLAS software infrastructure, to access the complete detector geometry. This information is used to draw graphics representing the components of the detector at any scale. Two new features are added to VP1. The first is a traditional “lego” plot, displaying the calorimeter energy deposits in eta-phi space. The second is another lego plot focusing on the forward endcap region, displaying the energy deposits in r-phi space. Currently, these new additions display the energy deposits based on the granularity of the middle layer of the liquid-Argon electromagnetic calorimeter. Since VP1 accesses the complete detector geometry and all experimental data, future developments are outlined for a more detailed display involving multiple layers of the calorimeter along with their distinct granularities. Kaelyn Seeley Univ of Pittsburgh Date submitted: 29 Sep 2016 Electronic form version 1.4