Pain after methohexitone

and education, the demand for blood volume measurements would definitely increase. In our own institution for example, the demand for blood volume measurements increased from two per week to 20-30 per day. This was achieved by developing a reliable technique, educating the staff and establishing indications for blood volume determinations. The price of equipment limited to single applications, such as a blood volume computer utilizing a single tracer, is definitely excessive. A simpler dual tracer scaler analyzer with a two-position well counter utilizing commercially available syringes gives greater latitude in expanded applications for analysis of radionuclides and is much more economical. Moreover, both components of blood can be measured simultaneously. (J . Nuclear Medicine (1968), 9, 19. The semi-automated blood volume computer is a misnomer and an advertising gimmick. One still needs to determine the hematocrit per cent, determine the rate of loss of iodine from the intravascular space, introduce correction factors for the F-cell ratio and calculate the various components of blood. The marketed blood volume computers cannot do all this. Consequently, to pay a high price for a machine that gives you just a division computation, is excessive. One can do far better with a simple slide ruler that costs a few shillings. Arlington, Virginia 22204 USA S. N . Albert