Civilians and War in Europe 1618-1815
List of Contributors Acknowledgements List of Illustrations List of Abbreviations 1. Introduction - Erica Charters, Eve Rosenhaft and Hannah Smith Part I: Suffering, Reconciliation and Values in the Seventeenth Century 2. Was the Thirty Years War a 'Total War'? - Peter H. Wilson 3. Grotius and the Civilian - Colm McKeogh 4. War, Property and the Bonds of Society: England's 'Unnatural' Civil Wars - Barbara Donagan 5. Transitional Justice Theory and Reconciling Civil War Division in English Society, circa 1660-1670 - Melanie Harrington Part II: The State, Soldiers and Cilivians 6. The Administration of War and French Prisoners of War in Britain, 1756-1763 - Erica Charters 7. Civilians, the French Army and Military Justice during the Reign of Louis XIV, circa 1640-1715 - Markus Meumann 8. Restricted Violence? Military Occupation during the Eighteenth Century- Horst Carl 9. British Soldiers at Home: The Civilian Experience in Wartime, 1740-1783 - Stephen Conway Part III: Who is a Civilian? Who is a Soldier? 10. Conflicted Identities: Soldiers, Civilians and the Representation of War - Philip Shaw 11. 'Turning Out for Twenty-Days Amusement': The Militia in Georgian Satirical Prints - Matthew McCormack 12. Insurgents and Counter-Insurgents between Military and Civil Society from the 1790s to 1815 - Alan Forrest Part IV: Contradictions of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars 13. The Limits of Conflict in Napoleonic Europe - and Their Transgression- David A. Bell 14. Pluder on the Peninsula: British Soliders and Local Civilians during the Peninsular War, 1808-1813 - Gavin Galy 15. Invasion and Occupation: Civilian-Military Relations in Central Europe during Revolutionary and Napoleonic War- Leighton S. James 16. Imprisoned Reading: French Prisoners of War at the Selkirk Subscription Library, 1811-1814 Mark Towsey Bibliography Index