Two-Dimensional Superresolution Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Using Hybridized SVSV Algorithm

This communication presents the hybridized version of recently proposed high resolution “Two-stage separated virtual steering vector-based (SVSV) rank reduction propagator method” (HSVSV) for inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging. HSVSV rearranges the 2D data on virtual array and makes use of SVSV method twice. HSVSV outperformed the SVSV in terms of estimating the positions of target scattering centers lying on horizontal and/or vertical line in target space for signal to noise ratios 0 ≤ SNR ≤ 17 dB, at the cost of doubling the computational load. The superiority of HSVSV to SVSV algorithm is demonstrated using both simulated and experimental ISAR data.