An Integrated Database of Unit Training Performance: Description an Lessons Learned.
Abstract : The Army Research Institute (ARI) has developed a prototype relational database for processing and archiving unit performance data from home station, training area, simulation based, and Combat Training Center training exercises. The database provides a central facility for answering performance related questions of unit trainers, training managers, training developers, policy makers, and researchers. Using commercially available software, the personal computer mounted database collects, conditions, stores, manipulates, and retrieves data, prepares data reports, and outputs custom data files for subsequent statistical analysis. The flexible structure of the database allows for addition of new kinds of data. This report describes the structural and functional features of the database, including the analytical capabilities, and discusses the lessons learned during development. Recommendations for future research are also presented. The prototype database establishes a foundation for expanding the data collection, processing, and analysis capabilities supporting the Army training community.
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