Does your instruction rate 5 stars?

Over the years the author has had the opportunity to evaluate hundreds of instructional products. An amazing number of these are surprisingly ineffective and some do not teach at all. Like a book, too much instruction is judged by its cover; the glitz, glitter, or game-like interaction that too often is irrelevant to the effectiveness of the instruction. This workshop looks beneath the production quality of the instructional product to the instructional strategies involved, those aspects of the instruction that are hard to observe on the surface, but that determine whether or not the product will really teach. In this presentation you will learn to rate an instructional product on those characteristics that effect its ability to teach rather than those attributes that contribute only to its market appeal. The presentation introduces and illustrates a rating system to determine the instructional effectiveness, efficiency, and appeal of an instructional product. It describes and illustrates what is required for five star instruction.