Isolation and Structure of 14,15β-Epoxyprieurianin From the South American Tree Guarea guidona

ABsTmcT.-Cell growth inhibitory constituents of the French Guiana medicinal tree Guarea guidona L. Sleumer (also known as G. trichilioides, Meliaceae) were investigated by bioassay (PS in vitro) directed isolation procedures. A chloroform extract of the root bark was found to contain a new PS in vitro (ED60 0.47-0.74 ,.tg/ml) active limonoid characterized (principally by 250 MHz nmr measurements) as 14,158epoxyprieurianin (loa). The root bark was also found to contain prieurianin (1, PS EDsa 4.4-7.8 ,.tg/ml) and 7-oxo-gedunin (9, PS inactive).