The Boder Test of Reading-Spelling Patterns: A Diagnostic Screening Test for Subtypes of Reading Disability

Despite the enormous amount of scientific and professional attention that has been paid to it, developmental dyslexia is still a puzzle to clinicians and educators. The research literature abounds with contradictory empiric findings, and consequently, no convincing theoretic formulations of the nature and determinants of the disorder have been developed. Many workers in the field now suspect that at least one reason for this impasse may be that dyslexia, even when it is fairly strictly defined, is not a single entity but instead a label for a number of more homogeneous syndromes, each with its own distinctive characteristics and etiology. In line with this thinking, a number of classifications based on diverse criteria have been proposed. One such classification, based on the qualitative characteristics of the child's reading performance, postulates two types of disability: an "audiophonic" or "phonetic" type and a "visuoperceptive" or "eidetic" type. The "dysphonetic" dyslexic has a