가스 환원제를 사용하는 SCR장치의 분사 노즐 형상 및 위치에 대한 수치해석
Emission regulations for vehicles have become more stringent recently, for which SCR technology has been drawn attention in order to reduce NOx emissions. Before for exhausted gases entering SCR, the design of an injection nozzle for supplying reductant is one of the important design factors, because the uniform distribution of reductant is necessary to maximize the NOx conversion efficiency and minimize the slip of reductant through the SCR. In this work using LPG fuel(C₃H? in vapor state) as a reductant for SCR, a study of DeNOx catalyst for LPG and diesel vehicles was carried out to understand the uniformity of flow depending on the shape and position of injection nozzles. By changing the configurations of reductant injection, the uniformity of flow through a straight pipe before entering SCR filter was studied by investigating the mass fraction of C₃H? at various sectional areas and analyzed through a straight pipe and a diffuser in front of SCR filter body. In this work, no chemical reaction was considered in analysis.
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