R factor types found in Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli isolated from calves in a confined environment.

Typing of R factors by genetic properties was done with Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli isolated from calves on a feedlot where epizootics of clinical or subclinical calf salmonellosis had repeatedly occurred during 5 years. Forty-nine R factors from S typhimurium were fi- (no fertility inhibition) and spp- (no restriction against phage lambda vir). Twenty-three (46.9%) of them belonged to compatibility group Ialpha and the remainder were nontypable. Fourteen R factors from E coli belonged to different genetic types: fi+ (11=78.6%) and fi- (3=21.4%); spp+ (1=7.1%) and spp- (13=92.9%); compatibility groups FII (5=35.7%), N (1=7.1%), and nontypable (8=57.2%). In contrast to the R factors of S typhimurium, 9 (64.3%) of the 14 R factors of E coli carried resistance against aminobenzyl penicillin with or without kanamycin resistance. The compatibility groups of R factors of S typhimurium seemed to be useful as a subsidiary epizootiologic marker in this feedlot.