Abstract The most powerful event that mankind is facing today is the great awakening at planetary level which was being created throughout a whole millennium. We, human beings, are in the midst of enormous progress as a kind of a higher form of global awareness entering through cultures, religions and viewpoints during centuries. Ecological globalization does not mean that same solutions should be applied everywhere. Planetary ecology is very heterogeneous. One of the challenges of globalized society is to enable people and institutions all around the world to respond to their local ecological situations, while at the same time a global perspective of their ecological influence is being maintained. The science needed for managing the environment should no longer be preservation of the intellectual elite, but a set of rational tools available to everyone. Not only should the economical capital be maximized but also the human and ecological capital. Furthermore, natural ecosystems such as coral reefs and tropical rain forests give interest in models for human society. They demonstrate how highly rich and productive communities can survive in impoverished environments. A successful response to the globalization will require fundamental changes of human values, as separate individuals and as ones incorporated into governmental, corporative and economic structures of the society.