가전제품 화재 메커니즘 재현 및 분석을 위한 인프라 구축
In this paper, The infrastructure case for reproduction or analysis of the mechanism on the fire or the electrics shock of the electrical appliances is proposed. The various electrical appliances(Washing machine, Ballast, Electric heaters, Electronic switches, Mobile phone chargers) used in the home can be tested on the high voltage and over current test through the implementation of the infrastructure. The electrical tests of fire and electric shock consists of the high voltage of maximum 5000 V and over current test of 3 steps(90 A, 60 A, 40 A) and noise test. The mechanism of the fire and the electric shock tests reproduced are analyzed through the monitoring system and the oscilloscope. The electronics manufacturers can prevent accidents through the tests of the electronics factor reproduced and the analysis of the infrastructure designed.