Field-of-View Variations and Stripe-Texturing Effects on Assault Landing Performance in the C-130 Weapon System Trainer
Abstract : Two experiments were conducted using the C-130 Weapon System Trainer (WST) located at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas. These experiments were the first of a series of research and development efforts designed to provide input to specification of the visual requirements for the C-17 flight simulator. Both studies assessed the effect of an experimental manipulation upon pilot performance of an assault landing. The basic experimental design for each was randomized block repeated measures. For each study, ten experienced C-130 pilots served as subjects. The first study investigated the effect of limiting the field o view (FOV) of the WST by reducing the five-channel, six-window visual system to two channels and two windows. The second study investigated the effect of data base texturing upon pilot performance. No strongly significant FOV effects were obtained in the first study. However, the results of the second study indicated that data base texturing improved the pilots' ability to fly at lower altitudes and place the aircraft closer to the center line during landing and touchdown.