Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Utility-based data mining

Early work in predictive data mining and machine learning rarely addressed the complex circumstances in which knowledge is extracted and applied. It often assumed that training data were freely available and focused on simple objectives, namely predictive accuracy. Over time, there has been a growing interest in the machine learning and data mining communities in research addressing economical data acquisition, utility-based methods for knowledge induction and application and methodologies for evaluating the utility derived from data mining techniques.This workshop explores the notion of economic utility and how it can be maximized throughout the data mining process. As of today much of the work focuses on a single aspect data mining. The workshop aims to bring together researchers from data mining and machine learning to share their perspective on key challenges in utility-based data mining and how individual contributions made thus far can be combined towards a comprehensive utility-based methodology.We believe the very positive response we have had from both academia and industry indicates the importance of utility-based data mining research and hope that the workshop will promote a fruitful exchange of ideas to further advance the field.