Suitable Learning Styles for Intelligent Tutoring Technologies (Styles d'Apprentissage Appropries pour les Technologies Tuteurs Intelligents)
Abstract : This report summarizes a study examining suitable cognitive and learning styles for intelligent tutoring technologies to improve the Canadian Forces (CF) distance learning capability. The study was motivated by the CF's requirement for computer-based training in a distance educational context to improve learning effectiveness. Through extensive research, Defence and Research Development Canada -Toronto has deemed that advanced e-learning systems are the appropriate tool to address CF learning needs, as e-learning systems: * Cater to all individuals in the CF regardless of their cognitive or learning style; * Allow CF personnel to work at their own pace and remotely; * Cut costs and optimizes learning productivity; * Equip the CF and DRDC with emerging and cutting edge technologies; and * Advance the knowledge base of defence science. The study involved collating applicable academic research literature to gather data. Potential suitable cognitive and learning styles for Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) were examined and analyzed. Although most cognitive and learning styles were inconclusive and indefinite due to a lack of independent validation data, the Felder Solomon Learning Styles Index has been validated. Thus, it is recommended to be used in an ITS to identify students' learning styles for the customization of their learning experience.