Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person re-ID via k-Reciprocal Clustering and Large-Scale Heterogeneous Environment Synthesis

An ongoing major challenge in computer vision is the task of person re-identification, where the goal is to match individuals across different, non-overlapping camera views. While recent success has been achieved via supervised learning using deep neural networks, such methods have limited widespread adoption due to the need for large-scale, customized data annotation. As such, there has been a recent focus on unsupervised learning approaches to mitigate the data annotation issue; however, current approaches in literature have limited performance compared to supervised learning approaches as well as limited applicability for adoption in new environments. In this paper, we address the aforementioned challenges faced in person re-identification for real-world, practical scenarios by introducing a novel, unsupervised domain adaptation approach for person re-identification. This is accomplished through the introduction of: i) k-reciprocal tracklet Clustering for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (ktCUDA) (for pseudo-label generation on target domain), and ii) Synthesized Heterogeneous RE-id Domain (SHRED) composed of large-scale heterogeneous independent source environments (for improving robustness and adaptability to a wide diversity of target environments). Experimental results across four different image and video benchmark datasets show that the proposed ktCUDA and SHRED approach achieves an average improvement of +5.7 mAP in re-identification performance when compared to existing state-of-the-art methods, as well as demonstrate better adaptability to different types of environments.

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