Einfuhurng in die Theorie der Spiele

with sim ultaneous equations. There are three sections on graphs, two arithm etical, and one dealing w ith the graph of a function. The explanations are clear; even the m ultiplication of directed num bers is adequately dealt w ith. The exercises are numerous and wellarranged. There are revision examples a t suitable intervals, and altogether the book is a ttractively w ritten and printed. The chapter on long m ultiplication sets out the work in columns; the advantages of this m ethod over th a t in which the working is done w ith brackets side by side has never been apparen t to the reviewer. The second arrange­ m ent occupies less space, and older pupils never use the column m ethod. I t is felt th a t the column set-out could be discontinued altogether in the future. This criticism apart, the book is very good of its kind. E . H. Copsey