Genius Loci & Entrepreneurial Innovation: Evidences from Patterns in the Florence-Prato District

This study aims at inquiring entrepreneurship in its relational dimension. In particular the paper analyses this concern with a contextualisation in the Florence-Prato district. Such an environment offers similar entrepreneurial resources as pre-conditions, the so-called genius loci. However, firms evolve differently due to their approach to opportunities, basing on network configurations. We used a qualitative longitudinal case studies based on a sample of eight firms belonging to the textile district, following their histories of innovation along a period of five years. A strong tie and weak tie approach is adopted to interpret the findings of a field research. Importance of strong ties which are strictly connect with the territory. Weak ties or serendipity events are mostly recalled in the discovering phase of a radical innovation. After an initial phase, strong ties come back into play in the implementation phase, to find means of practical feasibility. However, entrepreneurs differ: in some cases have assumed a causal logic, otherwise, entrepreneurs instead starting from a contingent situation have developed new scenarios for their firm.