The Accelerator Module Test Facility (AMTF) at DESY in Hamburg is dedicated to the tests of RF cavities and accelerating cryomodules for the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL). The AMTF hall is equipped with two vertical cryostats, which are used for RF cavities testing and three test benches that will be used for tests of the accelerating cryomodules. Recently, the first cryomodule teststand (XATB3) was commissioned and the first XFEL cryomodule (XM-2) was tested by team of physicists, engineers and technicians from The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow, Poland, as a part of Polish in-kind contribution to XFEL. This paper describes the preparation for the cryomodule test, differences with the old teststands CryoModule Test Bench (CMTB), the cryomodule test and the test procedure updates done at the AMTF test bench. The first test of the accelerating cryomodule on the AMTF was successfully performed and the preliminary test results are presented.