Real Time Status Monitoring for Distributed Systems.
Abstract : Work on the monitor has concentrated on three aspects: furthering the conceptual design, implementing the lower level mechanisms of the monitor and designing and implementing the relational monitor. At this point, we have a fairly complete idea of the tasks the various components perform and how these components will interact. The components are: StarMon, low level data collection under the StarOS operating system on CM*, consisting of two processes: Accountant, interfaces to the Simon Accountant via the EtherNet; MonProc, performs name translation, enabling of events and miscellaneous services. Medic, low level collection under the Medusa operating system on CM*, Simon Accountant interfaces with the resident monitor (either StarMon or Medic using a system-independent protocal; Simon, the computing engine' for deriving high level information from event records; Control, accepts queries from the user in a declarative language and translates these queries into update networks for Simon. At this point, the first three components are nearing completion. Once their condition is stable, sensors will be placed throughout both StarOS and Medusa to provide a source of event records for Simon. The structure of Simon has been implemented, although more work is necessary. The Control component has been partially designed and is in the early stages of implementation. Also the a Sensor Definition facility has been designed and implemented.