A membrane model for cytosolic calcium oscillations. A study using Xenopus oocytes.

Cytosolic calcium oscillations occur in a wide variety of cells and are involved in different cellular functions. We describe these calcium oscillations by a mathematical model based on the putative electrophysiological properties of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. The salient features of our membrane model are calcium-dependent calcium channels and calcium pumps in the ER membrane, constant entry of calcium into the cytosol, calcium dependent removal from the cytosol, and buffering by cytoplasmic calcium binding proteins. Numerical integration of the model allows us to study the fluctuations in the cytosolic calcium concentration, the ER membrane potential, and the concentration of free calcium binding sites on a calcium binding protein. The model demonstrates the physiological features necessary for calcium oscillations and suggests that the level of calcium flux into the cytosol controls the frequency and amplitude of oscillations. The model also suggests that the level of buffering affects the frequency and amplitude of the oscillations. The model is supported by experiments indirectly measuring cytosolic calcium by calcium-induced chloride currents in Xenopus oocytes as well as cytosolic calcium oscillations observed in other preparations.