Analysis of dopant diffusion and defects in SiGe channel Quantum Well for Laser annealed device using an atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo approach

An analysis of dopant diffusion and defects in SiGe-channel Quantum Well (QW) with Laser annealing using an atomistic KMC approach are shown. Thin SiGe layer with high Ge content for SiGe-channel QW has an impact on implantation damage and Boron-Transient Enhanced Diffusion (TED) suppression, and defect evolution. KMC shows that As-pocket in SiGe-channel pFET shows enhanced diffusion toward SiGe-channel and higher As concentration in SiGe-channel. The difference of pocket diffusion is one of possible reason for the higher Vth mismatch for SiGe-channel with As pocket than for Si-channel.