In today’s world, power saving is very important an d difficult. Though there are many power generation methods, it has become very difficult due to insuff icient resources. So, saving of power is the need f or our society. This paper discusses about how power can be saved in street lights. The main objective is to control the street lights (dim during dawn and dusk time as well as bright during night time) using Du al Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF). The engineer at Electricity Board (EB) can control the street lights of various areas. If any over load occurs, the connect ion will be disconnected and the information is transferred through Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) to EB. In case of any detachment of jumper (EB line) then also the information is sent. Also, if there is any complaint by the consumers, they can send the information to EB through Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Reader, which will be fix ed in one of the street light posts and the tag is giv en to all consumers. The message will be sent to EB server through GSM.
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