A spectral-iteration approach for analyzing scattering from frequency selective surfaces

A novel technique, called the spectral-iteration approach, for analyzing the problem of scattering from periodically perforated screens which find useful applications as radomes, optical filters, artificial dielectrics, and so on is applied. The formulation is carried out in the spectral domain where a set of algebraic equations is obtained directly for the spectral coefficients of the aperture field distribution (or the induced current density) rather than via an integral equation formulation. These equations are then solved simultaneously using an iterative procedure developed in this paper that circumvents the need for matrix inversion. Because the matrix solution is avoided in the spectral approach, it is capable of handling large aperture sizes in a computationally efficient manner. The efficiency of computation results from the use of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm which is employed in the derivation of the algebraic equations and in the iteration procedure. A unique feature of the spectral-iteration approach is that it has a built-in boundary-condition check which provides a reliable indication of the accuracy of the solution. It is also shown that the spectral domain technique can be applied to even a wider class of geometries, e.g., the step discontinuity in a waveguide.