Nonunion of a fracture of the body of the scapula: case report and literature review.

Fractures of the scapula are infrequent injuries, with an incidence of 0.4% to 1% of all fractures.8,15 The low incidence is attributed to scapular mobility and its muscle envelope. The causes of scapular fractures are motor vehicle accidents in approximately 50% of cases and motorcycle accidents in 11% to 25%.5,7 Significant force is required to fracture the scapula, and associated injuries occur in 35% to 98% of patients.1,2,5,7,12,14 Various classifications of fractures of the scapula are described that divide these injuries by the anatomic area involved, for example, the glenoid neck, intraarticular glenoid, coracoid, acromion, body, and spine.12,16 The most common area of the scapula to be fractured is the body, which is involved in 49% to