Summary In field investigations in a sandy-loam soil, probit percentage seedling emergence of commercial and aged seed lots of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Timmo) was a positive linear function of probit percentage laboratory germination and mean soil temperature and a negative linear function of percentage soil moisture content over the ranges 12·1–15·5% moisture content and 7·0–11·0 °C. In a laboratory investigation using the same soil a similar form of relationship was observed in six lots over a range of constant soil moisture contents between 10 and 18% and at constant soil temperatures of 8 and 20 °C. In all cases there was no interaction between any of these determinants of seedling emergence. Linear relationships between the mean rate of seedling emergence in the field (i.e. reciprocal of mean emergence time) and probit percentage laboratory germination and mean soil temperature were shown, but there was no obvious effect of mean scil moisture content between 12·1 and 15·5% on rate of field emergence. Seed lots of different percentage laboratory germination had the same base tsmperature for emergence (1·9 °C): differences between seed lots in mean emergence rate were due to different thermal time (day-degree) requirements for emergence; the thermal times required were a function of probit percentage germination in a standard laboratory test. The implications of these results in providing better advice on sowing rates are discussed.
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Time, Temperature and Germination of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum typhoides S. & H.) II. ALTERNATING TEMPERATURE
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