Music Reading Curricula in American Elementary Music Textbooks of the 1940s ― Comparison with the 1920s―
[1] K. Phillips. Teaching kids to sing , 1996 .
[2] J. M. Kavanaugh. The Development of Vocal Concepts in Children: The Methodologies Recommended in Designated Elementary Music Series , 1982 .
[3] C. Starr. New Music Horizons , 1944 .
[4] Will Earhart. History of Public School Music , 1938 .
[5] Ruth Gairns,et al. Intermediate teacher's book , 2002 .
[6] Florence Growman. The emergence of the concept of general music as reflected in basal textbooks : 1900-1980 , 1985 .
[7] Helen M. Murphy. Rhythms and dances for primary and elementary grades based on songs from the series New music horizons, published by Silver Burdett company , 1948 .